
Double Trouble

How do you usually respond to people who continually get in trouble?

Making Decisions

What is the biggest factor in your decision-making?

When I Was a Kid…

What did you enjoy most when you were a child?

Flower Petals

Pass a flower around the group and have each person tell what they like and dislike.

Communicating Emotion

Assign a different emotion to each group member and have them act it out without words.

Joy, Joy, Joy

Have each group member make a list of things that bring them joy.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Roll a pair of dice and answer a question based on the corresponding number.

Making Friends and Influencing People

Subgroup to come up with 5 sure ways to make friends and influence people.

A "Pair of Dimes"

Use two coins to begin a discussion on Christian paradigm shifts.

Your Legacy

How will you be remembered after you are gone?


Which of these mottos best applies to your life right now?

The Ultimate Statistic

If you knew you were going to die tonight, how would it make you feel?


What were you tempted to do this week?

New Year's Balloons

Use balloons to distribute questions about the upcoming year to your group members.

What Is Your Star?

What attracted you, or is attracting you, toward Christ?

Your Life as a Christmas Tree

What decorations would represent your life?

A Christmas Word

Draw festive words out of a hat and use them in a sentence.

A Kernel of Thanksgiving

Enjoy popcorn and share nuggets of thanks.

A Soothing Sensation

Use a dab of hand lotion to help your group discuss what soothes them when they are feeling dry.

Bad Experiences

Using computer language, share how you deal with bad experiences.

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