A big picture view of different ideas and happenings within the small group movement
How to Prepare Your Small-Group Ministry for Summer
Before the summer months hit, make some plans for your small groups.
How to Handle Emotions in Your Small Group
When groups value authenticity, it’s only a matter of time before we face a highly emotional moment.
Are You an Unhealthy Leader?
No well-intentioned leader would set out to lead this way, but it happens all the time.
Three Game-Changers for People-Pleasing Leaders
Emotionally healthy leaders are fueled by healthy motivations.
3 Reasons Married and Single People Should Be Together in Groups
I didn’t mean to join a group of married couples, but I’ve learned a lot along the way.
Embrace the Conflict
If you want an excellent small-group ministry, you’ll need to learn to handle conflict well.
How to Be a Peacemaker
In a world that’s hungry for peace, we must choose to work through conflict in our personal relationships.
How Should We Connect People into Small Groups?
Three connection methods that could work in your church.
Should Our Small Groups Be Open or Closed?
The arguments for both sides of this common debate.
What Type of Studies Should We Use?
Determine whether sermon-based studies or a la carte studies would work best in your context.
Hosts or Leaders: What Should We Call Our Volunteers?
Take a look at what a simple word can communicate.
Should We Structure for Rapid or Controlled Growth?
Both models can bring incredible growth if you choose the right one for your church.