A big picture view of different ideas and happenings within the small group movement

Essential Work from Home Tips
An interview with Ryan Anderson VP of Digital Innovation at Herman Miller

Discipling When Your Group Can’t Meet Due to COVID-19
Keeping small groups connected while social distancing

Three Reasons You Need a Small Group, Too
Small-group ministry leaders can’t just talk about life in small groups—we need to be experiencing it ourselves.

How to Avoid Burnout as a Ministry Leader
Discover the necessary steps to regain strength and perspective.

Great Leadership Starts with Life Balance
How bronchitis brought me face-to-face with the reality that I can’t neglect caring for my body and soul.

What's Really Happening in Your Small Groups?
Five things we learned that should impact your small-group ministry strategy

Invite Group Members to Share Deeply
3 key skills to create a safe environment for small groups

The Sacrament of Party
Somewhere along the way, the church lost the art of inviting people to celebrate.

How to Increase Regular Commitment to Small Groups
4 principles we can learn from the early church

How to Make the Bible Central in Small Groups
And the shift in leader training that makes all the difference.

Promoting Partnership and Teamwork in Small-Group Ministry
The importance of sharing as a leadership trait.