
Downsizing can be a scary word—but it's sometimes good to break large groups into smaller groups.

From Anonymity to Intimacy

If anonymity is a person's goal, small groups can be threatening; here's how to make them less so.

Assimilating Children in Cells

Enable and equip the youngest generation to become all that God has called them to be.

Energy Bars for the Soul

Serving others can renew your own energy.

Soulcare Survivor

God created each of us with soulcare needs that can only be met by love.

Care for Your Soul

Taking daily time to care for your own soul will make the rest of your day go more smoothly.

Jesus Withdrew

If we choose not to replenish ourselves at the well of His goodness we will suffer a life of spiritual dehydration.

The Church's Secret Weapon

Encouragement is a major part of the Christian Job description.

Tools that Help Small Groups Keep an Outward Focus

Ways to keep your small group from becoming cliquish.

The Pastor Next Door

Our neighbor was so busy doing ministry that he had no time to meet or interact with his neighbors.

Creative Evangelism

Inspire your congregation to focus on individual evangelism opportunities in creative ways.

Signing Your Life Away

Being a Small-Group Leader means signing away your old life and taking on the new life of a shepherd.

The O-Group Strategy

Don't ask people to come to your small group—take your small group to the people.

Small Group Growing Pains

Introducing the concept of community into a church can be painful, but there are ways to ease the pains.

Changing Direction of Ministry

Effective and lasting change comes through the process of identifying, joining, encouraging, and then changing direction.

The Transition

Some tips for transitioning adult Sunday School classes into small groups.

Back to the Prototype

Transitioning to neighborhood small groups.

Community Standards

Authentic relationships are essential to small group—and individual—life.

Community Evaluation

A tool to assess your small group's current state of community.

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