Jesus Withdrew

If we choose not to replenish ourselves at the well of His goodness we will suffer a life of spiritual dehydration.

Each day of Jesus' ministry seemed to be filled to the brim with a flood of people seeking his wisdom, his healing, and his love. He poured out his life not only during the working hours of the day, but His compassion lapped up into the late hours of the night. Being fully human He experienced hunger, fatigue, and I'm sure the occasional stress of having His personal space invaded a few minutes too long.

As we commit to live and lead as Jesus did, serving others, we too will experience the need to get a deep breath above our ocean of responsibilities, the demands of others, and our efforts to show a hurting world God's love.

How did Jesus find renewal? Why was the well of his mercy never dry? How can we share in the same continual flow of strength and wisdom?

Jesus continually retreated from the thunderous roar of the needy sea of people in order to hear the soft-spoken voice of His Father. He never did anything on his own, only what His Father had taught Him. It was in these solitary moments that Jesus soaked up the living water with which He so generously sprayed a thirsty world.

As a small group leader it's necessary to purposefully withdraw each day for some time of solitude. Spread out your towel on the shore of God's goodness and soak up His peace, His joy, and His love. Allow Him to become your strength, your wisdom, and your direction.

Spend some time focusing on your love relationship with God:

  • Enter in to a time of praise and worship. Ask God to search your heart and confess anything that comes to mind that may hinder you hearing from Him. Freely share with God your needs, hurts, and requests.

  • Read God's Word and focus on a verse that has caught your attention. As you study ask yourself, "What is God revealing about Himself, His purpose, or His ways? What is God asking me to do in my personal life, my family, my small group, and my work?"

  • Write a prayer response to God in a spiral notebook.

  • Revisit what God has spoken to you and your response to Him often.

If we choose not to replenish ourselves at the well of His goodness we will suffer a life of spiritual dehydration. Our efforts to do what's 'right' will leave us feeling tired, drained, and painfully self-centered.

However, if we choose to tap into the flow of His will for our lives through times of solitude filled with prayer, devotions, and listening for His direction, we will never be overcome. We will keep our heads above water with our eyes fixed clearly on Jesus. We can then effectively become a beacon of God's light in the storms of this life that threaten to overtake so many.

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