Search Results

Praising In Sorrow

Listen to the music and story behind two great hymns that remind us to praise God even in sorrow.

You Are My God

Given prompts, spend time worshiping in prayer.

A Life Of God-Worship

Read Matthew 6: 25-34 and offer prayers of thanksgiving.

Why So Many House Churches?

People are choosing to gather outside of the traditional church setting, and they're creating community in their homes.
Loving the Imperfect Church

Loving the Imperfect Church

Why should we bother with this flawed body of believers?

Build Community Through Communion

Bring depth to a small group by participating in Communion together.

Ask Yourself

Ten growth questions leaders need to be asking themselves.

Worship Scavenger Hunt

Use things found on a scavenger hunt to worship God.

Praising With Focus

Spend time praying for different areas of your life.

Student Small Groups at the Core

The kingdom of God is about relationships.

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