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The Sacrament of Party

The Sacrament of Party

Somewhere along the way, the church lost the art of inviting people to celebrate.

Needs and Passions

Group members share about the causes that move them.
Evangelism in a Changing World

Evangelism in a Changing World

What we can learn from the global church about reaching people for Christ.
Serving Your City Starts Before Tragedy Strikes

Serving Your City Starts Before Tragedy Strikes

How to mobilize your small groups to impact your city
Five Resources to Help Your Small Group Make a Local and Global Impact

Five Resources to Help Your Small Group Make a Local and Global Impact

Use these books on your own or with your group to gain vision and training.
Tres Elementos de Grupos Pequeños Vibrantes

Tres Elementos de Grupos Pequeños Vibrantes

Lo que un grupo pequeño es y no es.
Reach People On the Fringe

Reach People On the Fringe

Small groups welcome people who may never attend your church.
My Small Group Meets in a Bar

My Small Group Meets in a Bar

How two men have created a small group for men who—let’s be honest—usually don’t like small groups
Engage Your Community

Engage Your Community

Discover the real needs of your community, and make a plan that fits your group.
Meet People Where They Are

Meet People Where They Are

Move your small group to a non-traditional meeting place.

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