Search Results

God's Physical Arms

The members of a woman's small group show exceptional care during a difficult time.

Filling the Empty Fridge

One small group grew closer by meeting each other's needs.

Loving Sinners Is Messy But Necessary

Truly loving people in the midst of persistent sin is easier said than done.

Glancing Behind The Mask

Give someone an opportunity to feel safe enough to take off his or her mask.

"But I Wasn't Meant to Be a Mom!"

Joining a small group helped a mother embrace her new role.

Taking Their Faith to the Streets

A small group's one-time mission project turns into a ministry.

Create a Caring Church

How to create small groups that really care for each other.

Are You Just Wearing The T-Shirt

Take a walk towards someone and let God use you to change a life.
Where Is Mercy in America's Health-Care?

Where Is Mercy in America's Health-Care?

Health care must move beyond money to compassion.
National Health Care: A Good Idea?

National Health Care: A Good Idea?

The Judeo-Christian teaching that human life is valuable drives us to consider health care that may not be cost effective.

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