5 Threats to Healthy Small Groups
Is your small group dying at the hand of these common group killers?

3 Must-Haves for Small-Group Covenants
Talk through your group expectations early on.

Small Groups Are Meant for Millennials
How groups are perfectly suited to meet the needs of young adults

4 Ways to Keep Millennials in Your Small Groups
It's not enough to get them there on a Tuesday night.

Why I'm Committed to Christian Community
A millennial's perspective on choosing to belong

Tres Elementos de Grupos Pequeños Vibrantes
Lo que un grupo pequeño es y no es.

9 Tips for a Successful First Small-Group Meeting
Easy tips to make the most of your first gathering

Get Ready for Fall Launch
5 steps to prepare your small-group ministry for a fantastic fall.

Reach People On the Fringe
Small groups welcome people who may never attend your church.

My Small Group Meets in a Bar
How two men have created a small group for men who—let’s be honest—usually don’t like small groups

Is My Child Welcome Here?
Four ways to reach parents of children with special needs

An Unlikely Bible Study
How one church welcomed and discipled a ragtag group of ex-prostitutes, drug dealers, gays, punks, and goths

Saturate Your Life with Jesus and His Mission
Discipleship is everyday work.

Meet People Where They Are
Move your small group to a non-traditional meeting place.

The Power of Vision
Articulate a clear vision for your ministry and see the amazing results.

5 Ways to Invest in Your Small-Group Ministry This Summer
Now is the time to build up your ministry for a strong fall launch.

5 Ways to Develop Your Leaders This Summer
Take advantage of the slower pace to thank your leaders and prepare them for fall.

Do Your Group Members Read the Bible?
Probably not. But you can help.

The Epidemic of Bible Illiteracy in Our Churches
How small groups can change the statistics

Training Leaders to Study the Bible
Leaders who know God's Word encourage group members to engage Scripture.