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His Church is Really at Work!

For many people, he workplace is their largest sphere of influence, and their greatest opportunity for evangelism.

The Workplace Small Group Movement

A Conversation with Stephen R. Graves

The Small-Group Leader as Spiritual Guide

There are several ways you can serve as a spiritual guide to those in your small group.

Taking Spiritual Responsibility

A Small-Group Leader must see his or her duty as far more than merely leading a meeting that occurs in someone’s living room during the week.

Wearing the Spiritual Director's Hat

As a leader, the role of spiritual director is one you must have and refine.

Maintaining Spiritual Focus

Are you leading to a place you have been?

Why Bother if Extra Grace is Required?

With love and God's grace, significant healing can happen.

Jesus Withdrew

If we choose not to replenish ourselves at the well of His goodness we will suffer a life of spiritual dehydration.

Signing Your Life Away

Being a Small-Group Leader means signing away your old life and taking on the new life of a shepherd.

The O-Group Strategy

Don't ask people to come to your small group—take your small group to the people.

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