Search Results

Dead or Alive?

What impact is your small group having on your local community?

Why Small Groups Need to Be On Mission

Because discipleship is more than we've given it credit for.
Planning a Short-Term Missions Trip as a Group

Planning a Short-Term Missions Trip as a Group

Great advice to help you before and during your trip
Service Rooted in Grace

Service Rooted in Grace

We cannot change the world without changed hearts.

Small Groups and the Missional Renaissance (pt. 2)

What is God doing through the missional church, and how do small groups fit in?

Small Groups and the Missional Renaissance (pt. 1)

What is God doing through the missional church, and how do small groups fit in?

Taking the Next Step to Serve

An overview of small-group service projects
Planning a Group Service Project

Planning a Group Service Project

This resource is full of practical tools for both group leaders and church staff.

"Three Is Enough" Groups

Take a look at a new way of approaching small groups and discipleship.

Mosaic of Love

Start the new year off by examining (and displaying) your group's gifts.

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