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Easter Reminds Us God Offers New Life

Easter Reminds Us God Offers New Life

Post-Easter icebreaker--reflect on the new life God has given you this past year.
Jesus' Final Week

Jesus' Final Week

From his entry into Jerusalem to the Resurrection
The Cross - LifeGuide Bible Study

The Cross - LifeGuide Bible Study

The cross transforms everything for us.
Matthew 16-28: The Sacrifice of the King

Matthew 16-28: The Sacrifice of the King

Come face to face with Jesus as he calls, teaches, and prepares his disciples to follow him.
Lent Meditations

Lent Meditations

Make the 40 days of Lent more meaningful with daily Scripture passages, activities, and questions.
Rediscovering Lent

Rediscovering Lent

Explore the history of Lent and what it can mean for you today.
Easter Should Change Your Small Group

Easter Should Change Your Small Group

Soak up his love, lean into his power, and continue his mission.
Easter Realities

Easter Realities

Take a fresh look at the Easter story.
Easter Realities

Easter Realities

Gather your entire church to gain new insights from this familiar story.

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