A big picture view of different ideas and happenings within the small group movement

Ask the Experts: Getting the Most from the New Testament in Your Small Group
Scot McKnight is a Professor of New Testament and award-winning author

Ask the Experts: Using Alpha to Reach the Spiritually Curious
Craig Springer is the Executive Director of Alpha USA

Ask the Experts: Using Rooted Curriculum in Your Groups
Brandon Beard is the Executive Pastor of Campus Ministry at Compass Christian Church

Deepening the Leader’s Walk with Christ
Many when speaking of disciples, tend to think of a more committed Christian. This is a mistake.

How to Engage Spiritual Seekers in Small Groups
In evangelism we call people to repent and we trust God to regenerate their hearts as we do that.

Why You Should Consider Sermon-Based Small Groups
Building on the Sunday message to create community and foster spiritual health