1–12 of 12 Matches

What's Really Happening in Your Small Groups?
Five things we learned that should impact your small-group ministry strategy

Effectively Manage Group Conflict
Conflict can be the fuel your team (or group) needs to maximize its impact.

Why Your Small-Group Ministry Needs Singles
And two strategies to include them.

Three Reasons You Need a Small Group, Too
Small-group ministry leaders can’t just talk about life in small groups—we need to be experiencing it ourselves.

How to Avoid Burnout as a Ministry Leader
Discover the necessary steps to regain strength and perspective.

Wholehearted Ministry
How to get "working for the Lord" right

Great Leadership Starts with Life Balance
How bronchitis brought me face-to-face with the reality that I can’t neglect caring for my body and soul.

Embracing the Unsatisfied Life
Building sustainable faith in your small group

Get the Feedback You Need
The right feedback at regular intervals can guide your ministry strategy.

Top 10 Small-Group Ministry Training Tools of 2018
This year’s most popular resources for small-group ministry

Top 10 Bible Studies for Small Groups
Looking for your next study? Consider these top picks by SmallGroups.com members.

Top 10 Small-Group Ministry Articles of 2018
From leading meaningful discussions to starting a house church, we’re recapping our most popular articles of 2018!
1–12 of 12 Matches