Christmas Activities for Your Small Group
Celebrate the season with these festive ideas.

Ministry Teams Make Great Small Groups
Why you should consider transitioning teams into groups

Top Tips for Using Video Bible Studies
How to use video-based curriculum wisely in your small group

Fall Activities for Your Small Group
Take advantage of this fun season.

Keep Your Promise to Pray
A model for praying effectively for your small-group leaders

Make the Most of Task Groups
Teammates can develop meaningful relationships.

Resolving Small-Group Conflict
What I've learned from my mistakes

Build Real Friendships in Your Group
7 steps to cultivate authentic relationships

My Small Group Is Better Than Yours!
Why people love their small groups

Why Should I Lead a Small Group?
The challenges and benefits of this tough job.

Leading with Integrity
How to live a life that matters

What Can I Expect from Small Groups?
Walk into your new group with realistic expectations.

Following Christ with Our Actions
Authentic disciples vote with their feet and not mere words.

Connect People into Meaningful Short-Term Groups
Benefits of short-term groups and how to get the word out

Model Authentic Sharing
A practical way to help your group members open up.

Open Your Hand
Learn to let go of grudges.

Forming an Inclusive Community
God opens his arms wide and so should we.

Small Groups on Mission
Why small groups are the perfect place to promote missional living

Free Market Small Groups
How this organic ministry structure works

Small-Group Ministry Trends for 2013
What small-group leaders, coaches, directors, and pastors are talking about