Money Troubles

Where small groups fit in a tough economy. recently had a chance to sit down with one of our favorite authors: Reid Smith. In addition to serving as one of our Q & A experts, Reid serves as Community Life pastor for the multi-site Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

We asked Reid how the current economic situation was affecting the small-group ministry at Christ Fellowship, and what the church has done to adjust.

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The Simple Life

Taking a long, hard look at our stuff
John Ortberg on Christmas

John Ortberg on Christmas

God is generous, and we should follow his example.
Money Issues

Money Issues

Practical, biblical perspectives on managing money, tithing, and generosity
God and the Money Goddess

God and the Money Goddess

A self-driven philosophy about money causes spiritual damage.

When a Group Member Has a Financial Crisis

Here are several realistic steps a group can take to help.