What Makes a Good Bible Study?
The answer may not be what you think.
Avoiding Pitfalls in Group Dynamics
Here are a few ways to keep the peace.
Choosing Trust
Why the hardest decision in a small group is also the most important

Danger Signs for House Churches
Here are several pitfalls that you'll want to avoid.
Casting a Vision for Group Multiplication
Practical advice for shifting the culture and focus of your ministry
Restoring the Relational Church (part 1)
How church leaders can move from "meeting" in community to "living" in community.
Restoring the Relational Church (part 2)
How church leaders can move from "meeting" in community to "living" in community.
The Friends of a Group Leader
Three different kinds of people you need in your life.
Money Troubles
Where small groups fit in a tough economy.
Benchmarks: The Typical Small Group
Check out these statistics to get your finger on the pulse of small-groups ministry.
Teach Us to Pray
What we can learn from the leading and prayer of Jesus
Your Hidden Curriculum (part 1)
What do people learn from you about the Christian life? Sometimes it's what you never intended to teach.
Cultivating a Tender Heart
How group leaders can overcome a cynical attitude
Your Hidden Curriculum (part 2)
What do people learn from you about the Christian life? Sometimes it's what you never intended to teach.
What Happens in Group Spiritual Direction?
Learn what it takes to lead, what models to follow, and what fruit to expect.
Time to Get Away
Consider taking your small group on a spiritual retreat.
The Lost Art of Pilgrimage
One woman's experience with the Fifth Gospel, and what it means for the rest of us
Small-Group Advertising
All those looking for a small group, please raise your hands!
"Three Is Enough" Groups
Take a look at a new way of approaching small groups and discipleship.
Help Your Group to Wake Up!
Common problems and practical solutions for praying together