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A Man After God's Own Heart

A Man After God's Own Heart

David: A passionate life before God.
Following God in Our Weakness

Following God in Our Weakness

Elijah: A man who overcame his lowest lows.
Respond to God's Call

Respond to God's Call

John the Baptist: The right man.
Faithful to the End

Faithful to the End

Stephen: Faith that leads to courage.
Balancing the Empty Checkbook

Balancing the Empty Checkbook

How can single parents survive financial challenges and grow stronger in the process?
Communication in Marriage

Communication in Marriage

Read some helpful hints about speaking with your spouse. Then discuss!
Making Our Lives a Blessing to Others

Making Our Lives a Blessing to Others

Elisha: the power of love.
Redeeming Our Weaknesses

Redeeming Our Weaknesses

Peter: A man who didn’t let his failures define him.
Letting Christ Transform Us

Letting Christ Transform Us

John: a man who lived for Another.
Faith at Work

Faith at Work

Taking Jesus with us to the job.

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