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Sacrificing for God

Sacrificing for God

What are the characteristics of someone who gives life and liberty for God? What can we learn from these martyrs and leaders?
Care for Children with Special Needs

Care for Children with Special Needs

How can we offer practical help for children and their parents?
Too Intimate Too Soon

Too Intimate Too Soon

How has today’s sexual ethic affected teenagers?
The Church's Highest Calling: Faithfulness

The Church's Highest Calling: Faithfulness

When being countercultural is our goal, we may be nearer to colluding with culture than changing it.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

An unusual and mind-bending romance about love, memory, and attraction.

With Great Love

Participate in an activity that reminds us that we worship God by loving others.

The Most Important Thing

Contemplate the actions of love.

Praise God For Those We Love

Participate in an activity that contemplates the joy of friendship and the attributes of God.

Doing Love

Subgroup and assign each team a different experience with demonstrating love.
The Value of Human Life

The Value of Human Life

What is human life really worth?

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