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When We're Afraid to Forgive

When We're Afraid to Forgive

If we long to receive mercy, why is it so painful to give it?

Loving the unlovable.

A small group works through their past hurts together.

Loving Sinners Is Messy But Necessary

Truly loving people in the midst of persistent sin is easier said than done.

Learning a New Lifestyle

A Bible study group led a young woman to Christ through their love and acceptance.
Full of Grace and Sin

Full of Grace and Sin

Can we continue in sin even after we’ve given our lives to Christ?

Give Visitors a Reason to Join

Be aware of the things that keep visitors from returning.

Handling Difficult People: When Extra Grace is Required

Difficult people can be confusing and overwhelming to lead, having a framework in place can make the situation easier for you both.

An Atmosphere of Grace

Is there a way to minister to your group, and still help a difficult person move deeper in their spiritual journey?
Who Are We to Judge?

Who Are We to Judge?

Did Jesus forbid us from judging others?

Small Group Support and Recovery – A Case Study of Judas vs. Peter

Having the support you need can make a world of difference.

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