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Triumph Over Evil—The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Triumph Over Evil—The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

How does the deeper magic of Narnia, from before time began, reveal God’s magnificent plan for salvation?
Life-and-Death Decisions

Life-and-Death Decisions

In a fallen world, why are we so surprised by death?
Pulling the Plug

Pulling the Plug

When is it okay to let go of the terminally ill?
Dealing with Suicide

Dealing with Suicide

Taking a theologically sound approach to the tragedy of suicide.

Last Words

Use a toe-tag to help group members think of their last words before death.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

A responsive reading based on Psalm 23

Thinking About Death

How do you usually react to thoughts of your own mortality?
Cremation or Burial: What Does the Bible Say?

Cremation or Burial: What Does the Bible Say?

Is it unscriptural for a Christian to be cremated?

Your Legacy

How will you be remembered after you are gone?

The Ultimate Statistic

If you knew you were going to die tonight, how would it make you feel?

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