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Waiting for a Prodigal's Return

Waiting for a Prodigal's Return

How can we graciously wait for someone to return who has walked away from the faith?
Adoption and the Local Church

Adoption and the Local Church

How should individual churches help families who adopt?
Custom-Fit Discipleship

Custom-Fit Discipleship

There's no one-size-fits-all plan for evangelism or discipleship.
Give Sacrificially

Give Sacrificially

Are we truly giving the way Jesus intended?
Love that Brings Real Change

Love that Brings Real Change

Loving others means meeting real needs.
Enjoy the Silence

Enjoy the Silence

Unplug to experience God's presence.
The Origins Debate

The Origins Debate

Evangelical perspectives on creation, evolution, and intelligent design.
The War on Women

The War on Women

The world's worst holocaust, and how Christians are saving one girl at a time.

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