A week ahead of time, ask each member of the group to bring one of his or her favorite video clips. Clarify some ground rules: the maximum length will be 3 minutes long (alter depending on the size of your group), the clip must be G-rated, the individual must be ready to explain why he loves this clip. The night you show the clips, serve popcorn, drinks, and lots of good fun. Although this barrier breaker takes a little more time, it is a creative way to get a peek into the lives of your group members.

Is Hollywood Discipling You?
This study will help you and your group members think about questions regarding faith and the arts.

Art and Literature
This 13-session course was designed to help you think about art and literature from a Christian perspective.

Outreach (9 session study)
This 9-week course will help you and your group think about the ways in which you reach the surrounding community.