Common Personalities

A fun game to help group members identify others with common personality traits.

Give each person three index cards. Have them write one of their personality traits on each card. Then have them find someone in the group that has one of the same traits as they wrote down. Once they find that person, have him/her write his/her name on the card. Repeat the process until each of the three index cards are done. You may not use the same person twice.

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Leading as an Introvert

Leading as an Introvert

Both introverts and extroverts can learn how personality type affects church leadership.

Introverts in the 'Imago Dei?'

Our churches often confuse sociability for spirituality.
What Is Fear?

What Is Fear?

This Bible study helps us define this universal emotion.
Fear's Close Associates

Fear's Close Associates

Anxiety, discouragement, worry, and panic can result from fear.
Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

Four sessions of activity-based learning help you extend grace to others.

You as a Flower

Which flower describes you best?