Shake It Up!
Easy ways to energize your group meetings

Crossing the Road to Meet the Stranger
What it means to truly follow Jesus

Is Your Gospel Too Narrow?
The gospel is about more than where we go when we die—it should affect how we live.

What Small-Group Leaders Can Learn from Great Preachers
Preaching and facilitating discussions are different, but there are principles to share.

Explore Identity and Purpose
Help emerging adults discover what life is all about.

Three Keys for New Leaders
What I learned by falling down the stairs

Serving God in Our Jobs
Encouraging your group members with a biblical theology of work

Messier than Expected
What happens when a small group takes ownership of missional living

The Antidote to Burnout
Abiding in Christ is our true responsibility.

Spiritual Challenges of Emerging Adults
How to minister to the unique spiritual needs of 18- to 30-year-olds

My Journey from Extinction to Life
Small groups brought me hope and healing when I was desperate.

Come with Me and Change the World
Advice for new small-group leaders

Dig Deep into God's Word
The power of inductive Bible study for your group

Filling the Hole in My Heart
How small groups have changed me from the inside out

Celebrate the End
Activities to bring closure and build excitement for the future

Busyness Is Not a Spiritual Gift
'Wait' is a tough word to deal with in today's busy world.

Raise My Ebenezer
Remembering God's help yesterday helps us to trust him for today and tomorrow.

Silence and Solitude
These spiritual disciplines supply fuel for the busy leader's soul.

Group Dynamics
A collection of resources that can help you better understand group dynamics

Four Opportunities for Multi-Stage Groups
A mixture of spiritual maturity can help small-group members move closer to God and to one another.