Breakthrough Moments that Transform the Group

By creating community, focusing on Jesus, and accepting each other, we can foster breakthrough moments that spur us towards deeper fellowship.

Gift-based Groups as a Catalyst for Life Change

A small group ministry is a powerful means of unleashing the power of your congregation's spiritual gifts.

Those Divine Moments

5 Cues for Small-Group Leaders

Managing Lively Discussions

The "lively discussion" might be the point where life-change begins.
The Art Of Group Prayer

The Art Of Group Prayer

Lead your group in praying biblically.

No More Mr. Nice Group

Five practices that take small groups beyond polite sharing to the disciplines that change lives.

Staying Focused and Flexible with Small Group Coaching Templates

Some simple and memorable outlines that help guide a coaching conversation.

The Fine Art of Coaching Small-Group Leaders

There are at least three critical tasks good coaches master.

A Game Plan for Coaching Small-Group Leaders

A framework of topics and questions to help guide you towards victorious coaching.

Small-Group Leader Coaching: Team-based vs. Pyramid-based Models

The Jethro Principle does not seem to work for most churches.

Building (or Rebuilding) a Healthy small-group ministry

Seven questions that will lead to effective small groups.

What Do We Want to Study Next?

Take the time to make a wise choice in what your group will study.

Biblical Principles for Pastoral Care in Small Groups

When leaders understand what is and is not expected of them, they are more at ease.

Not All Small-Group Leaders Are Shepherds…and That’s OK!

We need to break the leadership mold that has been cast around the spiritual gift of a shepherd.

What Christian Counselors Say About Small Groups

Small-Group Leaders often don't feel they qualify for counseling; what do Christian counselors say?

Conducting Acts Of Hospitality

How to make serving the community an effective part of your ministry.

Got Small Groups?

People naturally and automatically seek out relationships.

Small Groups Simply Don’t Work

Small groups are not a program, a growth strategy, or an alternative to Sunday School

The Goal is Not to Get People into Groups

We cannot presume that we are supposed to connect 100% of our congregation with other members of our congregation.

Why Don't More People Attend Small Groups?

Christ-followers need to grow in more areas than just fellowship.

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