Should Christians Have Power?

Should Christians Have Power?

Increasing power in politics and popular culture holds great possibilities—and also dangers.


In a recent CHRISTIANITY TODAY article, Andy Crouch quotes film industry veteran Barbara Nicolosi as saying, "Within five to ten years, we will see Christians in Hollywood with real power."

Is this statement cause for celebration—or should it make us tremble at the dangers of such power?

As Crouch notes in his article, Christians have reason to be, at the least, ambivalent about this matter of acquiring worldly power. After all, Jesus walked this earth in extraordinary humility and taught that the path to greatness is through sacrificial service.

This lesson will look to Scripture and the example of Christ for guidance on the issue of power.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Mark 10:35–45; Luke 4:1–13; Luke 20:20–26; Luke 22:24–27; Philippians 2:5–11


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Jesus called his followers to service rather than dominance.

Teaching point two: Followers of Jesus are called to emulate Jesus in all we do and say, including the humility and service of Jesus.

Teaching point three: Christians ought to be uneasy about making alliances with the means and goals of this culture.

Teaching point four: Christians need to exercise careful, prayerful use of power and remain wary of its ambiguities and challenges.

• Apply Your Findings

• Recommended Resources


Glittering Images, by Andy Crouch (February 2004, 9 printed pages)

Total number of pages

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  • SMG-BS0114-D