Missional Evangelism: To Your Community

Missional Evangelism: To Your Community

Making a difference in your community will require getting outside the church walls.


New Life Church in British Colombia places a premium on caring for the needy and celebrating the often-unappreciated people who serve their community. Whether they are providing backpacks full of school supplies for children of single mothers or hosting a cookout for the police, they are involved in reaching out to people outside the church. Their influence is felt because of their commitment to work as a redemptive force in the world.

These successful efforts may stir up a desire to reach out where we live. If so, it will involve some careful evaluation and intentional action. However, if we are willing to make some changes, God can transform us into people and churches that reach our communities.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE:Psalm 24:1–2; Isaiah 58:1–10; Matthew 12:9–14; 1 Corinthians 10:23–30


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one:Evaluate what you are protecting in your current way of doing things.

Teaching point two: Consider reaching out to the needy.

Teaching point three: Look for the ways God is already at work in your community and join him.

• Apply Your Findings


Wreck the Roof, by by Mark Buchanan (Winter 2007, 7 printed pages)

Total number of pages14

  • Word Document