How to Read the Bible

How to Read the Bible

There’s more to Bible study than “What’s in it for me?”


Study after study shows that Americans revere the Bible. Solid majorities say—as they have for decades—that Scripture is God's Word. Evangelicals are even more committed to the Bible, in theory. Of course, we all know of the disconnect between what we say about Scripture and how—or if—we actually use it. The Bible might be the world's least-read bestseller. Yet even if we manage to buck the tide and actually crack open this book, we have not yet overcome the disconnect. That's because we read it not as God's Word, allowing it to transform us on its terms, but because we approach it for what we can get out of it—or allow our academic bent to crowd out what God is saying to us. We need to read Scripture as God intends—in a believing community, looking to Christians who have grappled with these issues before, and with Christ at the center.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:25–27; 1 Timothy 4:6–13; 2 Timothy 2:8–15; 3:10–17; Hebrews 4:12–13


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one:The Word takes work.

Teaching point two:The Word judges us.

Teaching point three:The Word is useful.

Teaching point four:The Word is for God's people.

Teaching point five:The Word is about Jesus.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


• "How to Read the Bible," by J. Todd Billings

Total number of pages

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-CT0256-D