Do You Have a Stingy Gospel?

Do You Have a Stingy Gospel?

An open-handed God empowers us to speak the gospel message in both truth and love.


How did the characteristics of hatred and fear come to be associated with evangelical believers? Perhaps it can be traced back to our theology, Richard J. Mouw, President of Fuller Theological Seminary, suggests in a Christianity Today article. He writes, "We all have to decide...whether we have a generous God or a stingy God...We evangelicals often give the impression that we have decided to be a spiritually stingy people." This study explores what it means to hold on to both truth and love in our interactions with the world.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 12:18-21; Luke 15:2, 11-32; 1 Peter 3:13-22


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

-Teaching point one: God gives the gospel as an announcement, not an argument.

-Teaching point two: God gives the gospel with an open hand, not a tight fist.

-Teaching point three: God gave the gospel generously to me, thus I must share it generously with others.

• Apply Your Findings

• Recommended Resources


• "An Open-Handed Gospel" by Richard J. Mouw

You may also purchase this study as a part of our six-session course Is Our Gospel Too Small?.

Total number of pages – 10

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-CVP007-D