What to Do When Group Members Don't Participate
Here are several questions that will help you take action.

A Brief History of Small Groups (part 1)
Exploring the development of small groups in the Bible and the history of the Church

Avoiding Pitfalls in Group Dynamics
Here are several practical and proactive steps you can take as a leader.

A Brief History of Small Groups (part 2)
Exploring the development of small groups in the Bible and the history of the Church

Shaped By Our Stories
A helpful exercise for leaders and participants of small groups

When Group Members Don't Show Up
How to honor God (and your group) in a disappointing situation

The Small-Group Staff Position Every Church Must Have
Especially yours

The Common Obstacles Men Face in Groups
And what you as a group leader can do about them

A Time to Fight
Expert advice on engaging conflict in your small group

Evaluation: More Than Just a Bible Study
Three common obstacles to life change

Introducing People to Group Prayer
10 tips to help group members feel more comfortable

The Role of Hierarchy in Modern Discipleship
Does spiritual growth require a rabbi/disciple relationship?

Understanding Servant Leadership
How do those two words go together?

Can Online Small Groups Work?
Could they even be a good option for you?

Why Leaders Don't Share Leadership
And why they should.

How to Share Ownership of Your Small Group
This is an important step for any small-group leader.

Why "Making Room" Is Not Enough
It's vital that we don't lose sight of our new group members.

Legal Guidelines for Lay Counselors
Risks and risk management for your lay counseling program.

Strengthening Your Small Group Through Confession
Practical advice for this important spiritual discipline

How to Beat Small-Group Leader Burnout
You can avoid burnout in ministry, but you need to start before the fuse has burned to the end.