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Needs and Passions

Group members share about the causes that move them.

Memorable Gifts

A twist on the usual question about gift-giving
Explore Radical Generosity with Your Group

Explore Radical Generosity with Your Group

How my group was challenged to examine our possessions

Who Has Been Generous to You?

Share stories of generosity.
Poverty and the Bible

Poverty and the Bible

Effectiveness and faithfulness must characterize our response.
John Ortberg on Christmas

John Ortberg on Christmas

God is generous, and we should follow his example.
God and the Money Goddess

God and the Money Goddess

A self-driven philosophy about money causes spiritual damage.
The Fellowship Offering: Giving Thanks

The Fellowship Offering: Giving Thanks

Discover the significance of offering to God the work of our hands, and the role of purity.
Missional Evangelism: To Your Community

Missional Evangelism: To Your Community

Making a difference in your community will require getting outside the church walls.
The Church's Highest Calling: Faithfulness

The Church's Highest Calling: Faithfulness

When being countercultural is our goal, we may be nearer to colluding with culture than changing it.

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