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Hit the Ground Running!

Follow these ground rules to get your small group off to a great start.

The Life Transformation Group

The most basic job description of a Small-Group Leader is: talk, listen, repeat.

The Small-Group Leader as a FRIEND

The role of a Small-Group Leader can be summed up by one word: friend.

Compel or Expel?

The objective of meeting the needs of individuals will determine whether your group should be open or closed.

The Small-Group Leader as Spiritual Guide

There are several ways you can serve as a spiritual guide to those in your small group.

Taking Spiritual Responsibility

A Small-Group Leader must see his or her duty as far more than merely leading a meeting that occurs in someone’s living room during the week.

Spiritual Direction

Implement the accountability factor in your group.

Food for Thought

Use a variety of foods to help group members talk about their current situations.

Balancing the Tensions of Small Group Life

Five main small group conflicts and how to go about solving them.

Taking the Sting Out Of Criticism

Time tested paths to peace while under attack

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