Thinking Caps

Here's a great way to level the playing field in a small group.

Purpose: To encourage relaxed, non-judgmental group interaction.

Supplies needed: Two or three rolls of tinfoil (depending on the size of your group).

Activity: Before group members arrive, make sure that you have lots of tinfoil ready to pass out. Give a large section of the foil to group members as they enter, and instruct them to make hats with it that will fit on their heads. There are no other guidelines—they just need to make a hat that will stay on their heads.

After everyone has arrived (and has had enough time to complete their hats), ask everyone to place their hats on their head—including you. Then announce that you will all wear your hats for the entire meeting. This way, nobody will have to worry about impressing anyone or saying something awkward. Everyone looks equally silly now!

This is a great activity for newer groups as they get to know each other, and for brainstorming sessions where people need to feel comfortable enough to give new ideas.

Conversation Starters:

  • Did you learn anything new about the people in your group by how they chose to make a hat? (i.e. traditional, whimsical, pre-planned, or spontaneous?)

  • Take a look at 2 Samuel 6:12-22. Do you ever worry about looking silly when you talk to God, or when you act out your faith in public?

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