Small-Group Coach Orientation Guide

Small-Group Coach Orientation Guide

Helpful articles and forms that equip coaches to perform their role well

There's no doubt that small-group leaders play an important role in the discipleship process of most churches. They are the men and women "in the trenches" of a small-group ministry that make it work with the Holy Spirit to produce mature disciples of Jesus.

But what about the people who equip, encourage, and empower those group leaders? Depending on the church, they are called coaches, shepherds, champions, and many other things. But they are a vital part of any successful ministry.

For a sample from this resource, read The Proper Care and Feeding of Group Leaders.

How to Use This Resource
By Sam O'Neal

Prepare for Your Role

Job Description: Small-Group Coach
Here are the basic ministry areas and expectations of a small-group coach.
By Sam O'Neal

Advice from an Experienced Coach
An interview with Tim Cullnan
Interview conducted by Rachel Gilmore

Confessions of a Small-Group Coach
I thought I knew everything about coaching, but I had some misconceptions.
By Eric Wishman

Common Obstacles of Small-Group Coaches
And practical ways to overcome them.
By Linda McCullough-Moore

Perform Your Role

Five Habits of Effective Coaches
Coaching can be boiled down to the word itself.
By Dave Earley

The Proper Care and Feeding of Group Leaders
Be proactive, make them a priority, and stress the importance of confidentiality.
By Steve Grusendorf

Asking Good Coaching Questions
It's a valuable skill for group leaders, but vital for coaches.
By Dan Lentz

Effective Methods for Training Group Leaders
Just like with group members, it's important to spice things up when teaching leaders.
By Steve Grusendorf

When It's Time to Discipline a Group Leader
Here are three important steps that can make a tough task more effective.
By Danny R. Von Kanel

The Small-Group Coach as Bridge-Builder
Here are four tasks that successful coaches must embrace.
By Carolyn Taketa


Sample Forms for Coaches
Use this checkup and appointment checklist as your carry out your ministry.
By Len Woods

Further Exploration
Websites and books to help small-group coaches grow their group leaders and ministries.

Total number of pages—26

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