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Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite

An irreverent comedy about a guy out to prove he’s got nothing to prove.
Chariots of Fire

Chariots of Fire

A real-life drama about the character, motives, and challenges of two men running for gold in the 1924 Olympics.
Napoleon Dynamite—Teen Version

Napoleon Dynamite—Teen Version

A sweet comedy about a guy out to prove he’s got nothing to prove.
Seeing God in Everyday Life

Seeing God in Everyday Life

Genuine reality, like a live orchestra, cannot be reduced to mere bits of data.
Why God Gave You Gifts

Why God Gave You Gifts

The obligation and pleasure of putting your talents to work.
Culture: Love It, Leave It, or Transform It

Culture: Love It, Leave It, or Transform It

Richard Niebuhr's Christ and Culture is 50 years old—and still has something wise to say to evangelicals.
5 Principles of a Purpose-Driven Church

5 Principles of a Purpose-Driven Church

Rick Warren's genius is in helping pastors see the obvious.

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