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God's Nature: The Trinity
Learn about God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in this 3-session study.
God: The Great I Am
Nothing is more important to our faith than knowing who God is.
A Closer Look at the Creeds
Let the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds increase your group's knowledge of the Christian faith.
Galatians: The Essence of Being a Christian
Paul teaches about the freedom of living under the grace of Christ.
Acts: How to Have an Eternal Impact
Discover the ways in which you can have an eternal impact on others and the world.
I Want to Change…So Help Me, God!
This four-session course will allow the words confess, repent, obey to become seared into our lives to bring about change.
What Is the Significance of the Trinity?
We better understand God when we better understand the Trinity.
Turning to God in Our Pain
When we go to God in our suffering, it reveals that we are indeed his children.