Small-Group Assimilation Strategies

Small-Group Assimilation Strategies

Bring church members into your groups, and group members into your church.

Note: Click Thriving After a Small-Groups Campaign to see a free article from this resource.

It's easy to see that small groups have a lot of potential for helping church visitors and new members become fully integrated into the life of a church. But potential doesn't always bring results. In the same way, it can be hard to convince small-group visitors to become more involved in other ministries. This training resource can help your church accomplish both, as well as help your individual small groups become more welcoming.

Using Groups for Church-Wide Assimilation

Avoiding the One-Method Trap
Why using small-groups in the assimilation process requires several options.
1 Corinthians 9:19–22
by Reid Smith

Why Small Groups Are Vital to Assimilation
Seven important ratios for closing a church's back door.
John 6:66
by Win and Charles Arn

Turning Church Members into Group Members

The Power of Subliminal Marketing
How to "pull" church members into your small-groups ministry.
Acts 2:46–47
by Larry Osborne

Thriving After a Small-Groups Campaign
Four steps to a smooth transition into "normal" group life.
Acts 2:41
by Bill Search

Making Individual Groups More Welcoming

Inspiring People to Assimilate Themselves
Make sure you're thinking accurately about potential small-group members.
Romans 15:7
by Reid Smith

Varying Your Small-Group Routine
Practical advice on keeping your members interested—both new and old.
Acts 20:9
by Teena M. Stewart

Keys to a Welcoming Small Group
How to transition from a clique to an open community.
Mark 6:11
by Don Michael McDonald


Assessment: Closing the Back Door
How does your church rate on the vital ratios that church growth experts identify?
Acts 2:46–47
by Win and Charles Arn

Further Exploration

Total number of pages - 17

  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-BSG027-D