Search Results

The Mystery of Community

In a world ravaged by the Fall, there are three bedrock realities to cling to as we experience the varying levels of community.

Two Keys To Resolving Conflict

Acknowledging conflict, and turning the focus to Christ, can sometimes quell a rising storm.

Conflict - Which Approach Do You Take?

There are several different approaches to conflict; which one you choose depends on the situation.

When Life Happens … Prepare to Fight!

Even spiritual people can be in conflict with each other.

Making Small-Group Leaders Part of the Team

We must be finding and building Small-Group Leaders constantly.
Multiracial Congregations

Multiracial Congregations

Let’s overlook our racial barriers and be the unified church God has called us to be.
Learning to Appreciate Your Spouse

Learning to Appreciate Your Spouse

How can you train yourself to value your spouse?
Equal Opportunity Friendships

Equal Opportunity Friendships

It’s a joy to have all kinds of friends.

Filling the Empty Fridge

One small group grew closer by meeting each other's needs.


Authentic community happens spontaneously.

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