Recruiting Reluctant Small-Group Leaders

Recruiting Reluctant Small-Group Leaders

Expert advice on a difficult (but rewarding) job

For some pastors and church leaders, the idea of recruiting small-group leaders feels like a necessary evil. It often takes a lot of work. It always eats up a lot of time. And the fruits of your efforts rarely match up with the intensity of your investment.

At the same time, quality small-group leaders are the lifeblood of an effective small-groups ministry. They are vital, and so they must be found.

Thankfully, reluctance on the part of potential leaders does not need to make your job impossible. Hesitation can be overcome, and reluctant recruits can turn into healthy, effective small-group leaders. The articles provided in this resource will help you through that process.

Understand the Hesitation

Explaining Reluctant Leaders
Why people hesitate to lead a small group
By Trevor Lee

Convincing Reluctant Leaders
Helping people overcome obstacles to small-group leadership
By Trevor Lee

The "Right" Person to Lead a Group
People resist a call to leadership because of questions about competency and commitment.
By Mike Mack

Small-Group Leader Myths
Dispel these urban legends with a dose of reality.
By Len Woods

Recruiting Reluctant Leaders

Recruiting Small-Group Leaders: The Basics
Helpful and practical tips that can be applied to any church
By Mark Ingmire

The Value of Persistence in Recruiting
Because the impact of a small-group leader is worth the effort
By Linda McCullough-Moore

Recruiting After a Bad Experience
How to understand what happened and limit future breakdowns
By Carolyn Taketa

The Power of Video for Recruiting
A vital medium you can use to project the message of small groups
By Carolyn Taketa

How to Find Your Next Apprentice
It doesn't have to be a difficult experience if you remember Who is in charge.
By Sam O'Neal

When to Call Off the Dogs
Discerning the right time to end your pursuit of a potential group leader
By Mark Ingmire

Further Resources

Total number of pages - 26

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  • Acrobat PDF Document
  • SMG-BSG076-D