The Lord Is My Shepherd

A responsive reading based on Psalm 23

Leader: Have someone in your group read Psalm 23 out loud to the group. Then have them read responsively the following reading. (Leader read the lines printed in bold and have the group read the lines in regular font) Ask someone to pray when you are done reading.

The Lord is my shepherd.

I have everything I need! I have His love, I have His forgiveness, I have His joy. He gives to me exactly what I need when I need it.

The Lord is my shepherd.

Worry no longer consumes me. God is in control. He gives me peace and I find rest in His love.

The Lord is my shepherd.

He forgives every one of my sins. He throws my sin of selfishness into the deepest sea. He throws my sin of doubt to the farthest horizon. He throws my sins away and never brings them up again.

The Lord is my shepherd.

He has made a way for me to be right. I don't have to struggle to be perfect. He has offered the perfect sacrifice for my sins. I am righteous in His sight.

The Lord is my shepherd.

Death will one day knock on my door, but I will fear not. He walks with me, holding my hand, showing me the way home.

The Lord is my shepherd.

The devil has no hold on me. God has cleared the way for me to live in freedom. He invites me to eat and drink at the family table.

The Lord is my shepherd.

He heals all my wounds. He bandages my bleeding heart, He soothes my aching spirit, He kisses away the hurt.

The Lord is my shepherd.

My life is so full. Full of wonder, full of joy, full of hope. My life overflows.

The Lord is my shepherd.

God's goodness and mercy is mine for keeping. He has offered it and I have accepted. It is mine forever and ever.

The Lord is my shepherd.

This place is not my home. But heaven is my forever home. And there I will live with the God who has loved me passionately, cared for me tenderly, and prepared for me tirelessly that eternity.

The Lord is my shepherd.

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