Prayer: An Adventure with God

Prayer: An Adventure with God

Gain new insights into why, what, and how to pray.


These 12 studies guide you through the prayers of men and women in the Bible (Mary, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, and others). You will gain new insights into why, what, and how to pray. And you will experience more fully the adventure that prayer can be.


Getting the Most Out of Prayer
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Conversing with God: Abraham
In verses 16-17 God appears to initiate the conversation with Abraham, and in verse 33 he ends it. In what ways have you experienced God prompting you to pray or letting you know that you have prayed enough about something?
Genesis 18:16-33

Session Two

Discovering God's Will: Moses
Verse 11 shows Moses' reaction to God's command to "stand aside." What internal conflicts or divided loyalties might Moses have felt as he spoke to God?
Exodus 32:1-14

Session Three

Answered Prayer: Nehemiah
Nehemiah referred to God's promises and previous dealings with the children of Israel as part of his prayer. In what ways do your knowledge of God's actions and character affect the way you pray?
Nehemiah 1:1-2:8

Session Four

Prayer & Spiritual Conflict: Daniel
When God spoke to him, Daniel refused to eat certain foods and mourned for a period of three weeks. Why do you think Daniel did this?
Daniel 10

Session Five

Praying for the Nation: Ezekiel
The phrase "stand before me in the gap" is symbolic of intercession in the Old Testament. The absence of an intercessor had catastrophic consequences. Why do you think no one wanted to intercede?
Ezekiel 22:23-31

Session Six

Praying for Everyone: Paul
How do you think that prayer for leaders and those in authority might lead people to live "peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness"?
1 Timothy 2:1-8

Session Seven

Relying on God: David
David is clearly accustomed to beginning his day with prayer. What are the benefits of doing this?
Psalm 5

Session Eight

Being Honest with God: Hannah
We often feel conflict between what we want and what we think God wants, and may have mixed motives when we pray. What internal conflicts or mixed motives might Hannah have experienced as she prayed for a child?
1 Samuel 1

Session Nine

Thanking God: Mary
Verses 46-47 say that Mary glorified the Lord and rejoiced in her Savior. In what ways can you do this in your prayers?
Luke 1:46-55

Session Ten

Blessing Other People: Paul
Paul reflects on the love of Christ in 3:16-19 and prays that his readers will experience it profoundly. Why do we need people to pray that for us?
Ephesians 1:15-23; 3:14-21

Session Eleven

Praying Together: The Early Church
Verse 31 says that a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit enabled the church to be bold in its evangelism. How does this compare with what Christians often desire from their experience of the Holy Spirit?
Acts 4:23-31

Session Twelve

Praying with Confidence: Jesus
In Luke 18:1 Jesus reminds the disciples that "they should always pray and not give up." We are all tempted to not pray or to stop praying when we should pray. In what practical ways can you resist such temptation?
Luke 11:1-13

Total number of pages80 pages

David Healey, based in Sutton Coldfield, United Kingdom, is communications manager for Intercontinental Church Society, a mission agency of the Church of England. He has also worked in student ministry in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

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