Nurture a Child's Faith

Nurture a Child's Faith

Authentic faith is cultivated in the soil of the home.


The foundation for an enduring and strong faith is not primarily built through friends, conferences, camps, VBS, a mid-week program, or Sunday school; faith is truly and most effectively built in the home. God makes it clear in Deuteronomy 6:7 that the task of imparting life-changing truths about who he is and what it means to live for him lies squarely on the shoulders of parents.

What guidance does the Bible give for parents seeking to nurture their kids' faith? What are some practical ideas for fostering a home life that's conducive to spiritual growth? What can spiritual cultivation in the home look like on a daily, monthly, or even annual basis? Finally—and most importantly—what's truly at stake in this venture? These critical issues and foundational questions will be discussed in this exploration of what it really means to cultivate spiritual seeds in the lives of your children.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 23; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Colossians 3:1–10; 1 Timothy 4:11–16


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: The spiritual growth of children begins in the soil of the sacred.

Teaching point two: The spiritual formation of children is nurtured by imitating examples.

Teaching point three: The spiritual life of children is matured through a Christ-centered sense of identity.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


Growing a Praying Family, by Susan Sorensen (Summer 2003, 5 printed pages)

Total number of pages

  • Word Document
  • SMG-CPT023-D