Love: The Greatest Gifts of All

Love: The Greatest Gifts of All


Phyllis J. Le Peau offers 9 Bible studies to help you build a foundation of confidence in God's love for you. You will be encouraged and equipped to respond to his love by loving others.


Getting the Most Out of Love
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

God's Everlasting Love
What does it mean to you that you can call God Abba, a term meaning "dearest Father"?
Romans 8:1-17, 28-39

Session Two

God's Unlimited Love
Paul states that by faith, we not only have access into God's grace, but we also stand in that grace. Compare and contrast what it means to have access into grace with what it means to stand in that grace.
Romans 4:18–5:11

Session Three

Responding to God's Love
Why is it vital for branches to remain in the vine? When have you experienced pruning?
John 15:1-17

Session Four

Love That Serves
Though the Shunammite woman stated no needs, Elisha offered her a son. How willing are you to make your needs known and to allow someone to serve you? Explain.
2 Kings 4:8-37

Session Five

Love That Submits
How did Samuel's relationship and submission to Eli affect his relationship with God? How have you found that your relationship with God is affected by your willingness or lack of willingness to submit to others?
1 Samuel 3

Session Six

Love That Prays
Why do you think we are encouraged to call the elders of the church to pray for and anoint us when we are sick? How is praying for others when they are sick or in trouble the same as loving them?
James 5:13-20

Session Seven

Love That Comforts
What did God do to comfort Paul and his colleagues? When have you experienced God's comfort in a difficult situation?
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Session Eight

Love That Forgives
Behind Peter's question in verse 21 was the Jewish teaching that to forgive someone three times was reasonable. Knowing this, how would you describe the exchange between Peter and Jesus? What do you think keeps Christians from forgiving each other?
Matthew 18:21-35

Session Nine

Love That Unites
How are the body, mind and spirit shown to be vitally linked in spiritual worship? How does this relate to your experience of worship?
Romans 12:1-21

Leader's Notes: included with a master PDF for download

Total number of pages60 pages

Phyllis J. Le Peau is an area director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving in the Chicago metro area. She is the author of several Bible study guides published by InterVarsity Press and Zondervan, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Acts, Women of the Old Testament and (with her husband, Andrew T. Le Peau) Ephesians and James.

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