The Challenge of Challenging People

Small groups with severely wounded people can be a great success if you stick to some trusted principles.

The Place of Reflection in Soul Care

Reflection is an important practice in the life of a small group.

Leading the Super Mixed Group

A few guidelines for leading a group of extremely diverse people.

One Anothers vs. Curriculum

Develop an agenda strategy that takes one-anothers into consideration.

Cultivating A Caring Atmosphere In Your Group

A critical factor in establishing a motivational small group climate is caring.

Cultivate a Disciple-Making Environment

You can create the right environment for a healthy group.

Learn to Shepherd Your Small Group

Move from being a small-group leader to truly caring for your people.

Accountability in Small Groups

Learn about accountability from the early Methodists.

It's Not Oprah's Book Club

Reading groups encourage unity and lead to some deep discussion.
Lectio Divina and Contemplative Prayer

Lectio Divina and Contemplative Prayer

Understanding this ancient practice and how to incorporate it into your small group.

The Test of a Small Group's Commitment

People are watching to see if our words mean anything.

The Life We Share

An A-Z guide for what believers share.

Sharing Our Lives In Difficult Times

How does the church survive trauma?

Let it Shine

Christian community shines its light on the world and in the church.

A Spiritual Growth Industry

Small groups are helping Christians bring faith to bear in the for-profit world.

The Launch

Use these five steps to launch a successful ministry.

Support Groups May Be Worth the Trouble

A church needs to carefully consider the risks and benefits before launching a group.

Who Says So?

Lurking beneath the surface of small group life and leadership is the issue of authority.

From Host to Spiritual Leader

The Host Home Strategy is transforming a new wave of leadership.

Spiritual Responsibility at the Small-Group Leader Level

Somewhere between "hands on" and "hands off" lies the key to a balance in authority.

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