Focusing Our Group Attitude

Some nuts-and-bolts ideas that will help your group get organized and focused.

When asked to teach an adult small group, I thought, "This shouldn't be too tough." But I had a few things to learn. Have you ever felt your leading was floundering, that your group was accomplishing nothing? I have, but along the way I have gleaned some nuts-and-bolts ideas that have proved helpful in getting organized and focused.

SMALL GROUP TIME IS WORSHIP TIME. Knowledge of this will help group members avoid "chasing rabbits." This time is your offering to the Lord; use it wisely. Begin on time; stay on task; accept responsibility for group conduct.

APPROACH THE GROUP EXPECTING TO MEET WITH GOD AND HAVE HIM USE YOU IN HIS SERVICE. This is where it gets exciting. When you, while leading the group, realize you are developing ideas you hadn't studied or considered — and it's happening almost as if you were a bystander — then you want to just praise Him.

PRAY DAILY FOR EACH GROUP MEMBER. During group time, ask members for concerns. Then through the week pray for each one and that God will use you (acknowledge your inadequacy) to help them. This benefits you as well: it increases your concern for members, it makes you more aware of their needs, and it personalizes your leadership — you know who is grieving, who is joyful, and you can address those needs. "As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right." (1 Samuel 12:23 NIV)

BE A GOOD LISTENER. This is a learned process not guaranteed by having perfect hearing. We tend to concentrate on what we'll say when we can interrupt. Rephrase the speaker's statements or ask questions to be sure you understand and to show interest.

SET A GOOD EXAMPLE. Attempt, by God's grace, to lead a life that echoes what you say in group time. We learn by following examples, and your group members will be aware of yours.

HAVE A DAILY DEVOTIONAL TIME. Prayer and Bible study are a must for you. To lead, you must grow, and you can't grow without food.

ENRICH YOUR LIFE WITH CHRISTIAN MUSIC, FELLOWSHIP, AND OTHERS' TEACHING. This will fill your mind with good stuff. Conversely, avoid, as much as possible, entertainment that is tainted. Jesus said, "For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." (Matthew 12:34b-35 NIV) In modern computer-speak, we say, GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out. Enough said?

CONSCIOUSLY LEAN ON THE HOLY SPIRIT. No explanation necessary.

Finally, remember that:

PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE GROUP AGENDA. Sometimes, your group member's needs may get in the way of your plans. Class discussion may expose such a need, and only enough time remains to address it or to reach your lesson objective. Which do you choose? "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." (1 Cor. 13:1 NIV) On occasion, I have felt led to stop the agenda and have the group pray for a hurting member.

As I attempt to incorporate these ideas into my leading, I find the task becoming an exciting and enjoyable adventure. And, I find the group focusing their attitudes toward worshiping the Lord. I hope you, as well, find them helpful in experiencing the thrill of leading with the Lord.

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