It's A Line Up

Participate in a sharing activity.

1. Set up your room in two lines with chairs facing each other.
2. As people come in have them sit facing a partner.
3. Begin by asking the first question listed below.
4. Have each person share with the person across from them.
5. Then, have one row move one chair to the right and move on to question #2.
6. After each quesiton or instruction, have the whole row move one chair to the right. (one row is always moving, the other row stays in the same place)
7. Continue moving one chair with each question/instruction.
8. Only give the partners about 1-2 minutes for each question.
9. If you have new people, be sure to tell them to introduce themselves each time they sit in a new chair with a new partner.

Worship Questions/Instructions

1. If you had eight hours to do whatever you want, what would you do?
2. Think of your Sunday morning worship service. What do you like best about that service? Why?
3. For what three things are you most thankful for today?
4. What about God thrills you most?
5. Take a moment and thank God for the person sitting across from you.

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Thanksgiving Day Reflections and Ideas

Thanksgiving Day Reflections and Ideas

Make the most of the holiday with these ideas.
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A Life of Giving Thanks

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